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Total Lunar Eclipse Begins in

Astronomy Videos

Video Gallery

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Partial Solar Eclipse (October 2023)   /   Eclipse Parcial de Sol (Octubre 2023)

Partial Solar Eclipse October 14, 2023 from LeoCavagnaro on Vimeo.

Partial Solar Eclipse (April 2022)   /   Eclipse Parcial de Sol (Abril 2022)

Transit of Mercury (November 2019)   /   Tránsito de Mercurio (Noviembre 2019)

Tránsito de Mercurio 2019 from LeoCavagnaro on Vimeo.

Total Solar Eclipse Argentina 2019   /   Eclipse Total de Sol Argentina 2019

Sunset at Oregon Coast (USA)   /   Puesta de Sol en la Costa de Oregon (EE UU)

Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner   /   Cometa 21P Giacobini-Zinner 
Video courtesy of Dan Gray. Made at the Oregon Star Party 2018 (Oregon, USA).

Video from Big Bear Solar Observatory (Big Bear, California, USA)

Short time-lapse video of the Sun showing its prominence activity

Video of 3200 Phaethon close approach to Earth (December 2017). 
Courtesy of Roger Mènard (Canada).
(3200) Phatheon
Very rapid displacement of this asteroid which was at 0.07 AU from Earth at the time of capture from 7:40pm to 8:03pm ET on Dec 16, 2017. Captured with a ZWO ASI 1600MM Cool and a Celestron Edge HD14 at F/7.7 on a Paramount MX+. 10 second exposures played at 8 frames per second.

 Lectures about AGN by Niel Brandt. Included here with his permission.

NASA`s SDO Mercury transit Time-lapse Video.
Video credit: NASA`s Goddard Space Flight Center/Genna Dubestein